Anaesthesiology is the branch of medicine that specializes in minimizing pain and keeping the patient in a stable condition both during and after surgical procedures.

It is used in conjunction with almost all other branches of medicine as long as surgery and pain are involved. It may be used in diagnostic procedures, abdominal and brain surgeries, obstetrics, and so on. It plays a crucial role so that the surgery may be performed safely and with the least possible amount of discomfort for the patient.

The two most common types of anaesthetics used are local and general anaesthesia. Local anaesthesia prevents the patient from feeling any pain in a specific part or region of the body, whereas general anaesthesia places the patient in a state of controlled unconsciousness, rendering him unable to feel pain, and also paralyzing his muscles so that he will not be able to move for. The anaesthesia is usually administered in liquid form and is injected into the veins, but can also be administered in gas form that the patient breathes in through a special type of mask. These agents take effect almost immediately, and can cause a patient to lose consciousness within a minute.

The Responsibilities of Anaesthesiologists

It is the anaesthesiologist's responsibility to ensure the well-being and safety of the patient at all stages of surgery. More specifically, they are responsible for:

  • Providing pain relief to allow surgery to be performed
  • Assessing the risk of complications during surgery
  • Identifying conditions or factors that may cause surgical complications
  • Managing pain and during surgical procedures
  • Ensuring the stability of the patient
  • Providing the patient with life support during surgery
  • Providing immediate postoperative care for the patient
  • Assessing all medications that the patient is currently taking to prevent dangerous interactions with the anaesthetic agents
  • Managing the side effects of anaesthetic agents
  • Informing patients about the risks of anaesthesia
  • Advising the patients about the possible side effects they may experience as the anaesthesia wears off

For most of the surgery, the anaesthesiologist will not play an active role in the procedure, but will constantly monitor the patient's condition and will stay with the patient until the surgery is over. Before the procedure ends, the anaesthesiologist typically gives the patient a fresh round of pain relievers to keep him comfortable upon regaining consciousness.